UMM Library Complex
Welcome to University of Mkar Library, the repository of human knowledge, where you can conductively learn to live. UMM Library collection is designed to support your study, learning, research, and leisure. It is well stocked and well-equipped with current books and journals that has given the University a competitive edge among equals. It is the responsibility of the University Library to select, acquire, process, organize, disseminate, and preserve relevant materials to support the Curricula, and the programmes accredited by the National Universities’ Commission. Similarly, the Library ensures it creates a favourable environment conducive for learning, teaching, research, and leisure. The Library staff will assist you to locate, select and obtain the germane Information you need to enhance your studies.
Library Rules and Regulations
Library rules and regulations are meant to ensure orderliness, good conduct and proper handling of reading materials within the Library and beyond. Therefore, please note and observe them.
Library Registration
All users are required to register with the Library at the Information Desk. Library users shall carry a valid UMM ID card for admission into the Library. Lending conditions vary according to the type of material and status of user.
See registration Types
The university Library Statistics
The University of Mkar Library, though relatively young, can boast of its strenght as having enough space for conducive learning, a website big enough for up-to-date digital collections.
Years of Professional Experience
Programmes and e-resources
Happy Users per Year