The mission of the university is to produce change agents for the world that are committed to service unto God and service unto mankind.
The Vision of the university is to be a world class University that is committed to the advancement of knowledge through quality teaching, research and holistic education that puts God at the centre of learning.
Our Founding Philosophy
The philosophy of the University is to develop a total person through university education that is qualitative, comprehensive and relevant, propelling the individual to self-reliance.
our objectives
Our objectives as a university are to:
- To provide scientific and technological base for Nigeria’s rapid industrialization.
- To develop the rich potentials of Benue State in art and culture for effective participation.
- To develop a scientific based approach in food production and processing for guaranteed food security in Benue and Nigeria.
- To train critical manpower in the fields of science, information and communication technology, agriculture, engineering and management.
- To raise a generation of leaders that is godly and morally upright, patriotic, intellectually capable, resourceful, visionary, self-motivated, enterprising and responsive to the challenges of the society.
Our core values defines us and what we belief as a University. Our values are:
- Discipline
- Respect
- Excellence
- Accountability
- Integrity
- Equity
- Character
History of University of Mkar, Mkar

The pioneer Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Mrs) Nancy Ngunan Agbe (2005-2011)
Prof. Emmanuel Hemen Agba becomes VC after succeeding the pioneer Vice-Chancellor, Prof. (Mrs) Nancy Ngunan Agbe.
The third Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Iorwuese Dickson Gernah assumes Office after succeeding Prof. Emmanual Hemen Agba.
Prof. Iorwuese Dickson Gernah tenure ended in September 2021 and was succeeded by Prof. Zacharys Anger Gundu on 1st September, 2021.