Dr. Joel K. Tivde
HoD Accounting
Message from the HoD
I heartily welcome you to the department of Accounting, University of Mkar, Mkar. The department prepares students for the award of Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.) and Postgraduate Diploma (PGDA) Accounting.
The department is structured to cope with pace of development and contemporary challenges in Accounting Profession and business complexities, due to the dynamic nature of business activities coupled with rapid development in information and technology, and sophisticated financial reporting tools in the present dispensation. In view of the above, the Department of Accounting has quality faculty members to teach all the courses with outmost standard. The department has full NUC and ICAN accreditations. Our graduates are exempted from foundational courses in ICAN professional examinations.
I wish to assure you that, the department is ready and committed to ensuring high academic and moral standards, the protection of the integrity of staff and welfare of the students at all levels. Thank you.