Welcome. The sociology programme of this university is anchored on the desire to produce knowledgeable graduates who are grounded in the dynamics of the Nigerian peoples, their culture and society in particular and those of the global society in general. The course also lays the foundation of such knowledge to enable students/graduates cope with differing circumstances of life for meaningful contribution to national development. Thus, the department has specifically designed the course to equip students with broad orientation at the undergraduate level and to facilitate possible specialization at the postgraduate level. This is aimed at producing well-motivated social scientists that will not only interpret the world but also facilitate change and development in our societies.
Dr. Avanger Moses (HoD)
The overall objective of the programme is for students to acquire the necessary sociology perspective, concepts and skills that will enable to generally develop a critical global outlook and specifically comprehend the evolution and transformation of the Nigeria state, economy and society. Thus the programme aims at:
- Training sociologists with a thorough grasp of the major sociological models, concepts and skills as well as critical minds necessary for defining and providing solutions to societal problems.
- Providing an intellectual environment that enables the students realize their value and potential, raise their level of creativity and promote the spirit of discipline and self-reliance.
- Creating desirable milieu for positive behavioural changes which will enable students develop values of hard work, high morality, probity, discipline, creativity and self-reliance, dedication and patriotism essential to fulfill Nigeria’s National development objectives.
- Producing graduates whose concrete knowledge of the Nigerian state, economy and society enables them to make their contributions to community and national development in the field of sociology.
The underlying philosophy of the programme is the imminent concern with man, his behavior and environment. Human behavior towards another within and between groups and environment creates culture and social institutions that sustain it. The interaction of individuals, cultures and institutions brings about prejudices and other social problems that affect all facets of human endeavor. The programme seeks to investigate and acquire knowledge necessary for the improvement of human condition; promote peace and understanding of society through rigorous research. These would help in combating various forms of prejudices among people of different communities; raise the level of consciousness, commitment and patriotism to the social, economic and technological development of Nigeria, Africa and the World.
The Department runs a four-year degree programme to which admission is obtained through the joint Matriculation Examination (UME). Candidates seeking admission into the programme are expected to possess a minimum of five credits including English Language and Mathematics at the GCE ordinary level, or its equivalent. In addition, the candidate must pass the UME minimum total score of 120 in Social Science or Arts subjects at a level prescribed by the University.
Candidates for Direct entry (the three-year mode) should possess the General Certificate of Education, IJIME, Advanced Level passes or their equivalence in any three Art or Social Science subjects. Candidates who hold Senate approved diplomas may also be considered.